2013, the year of dancing

All things 2013…fresh starts, new ideas, the beginnings of manifestations and dreams. Many of them not to be realized, as action most often does not follow idea for most of us, but the possibilities are all there.  It’s a frenetic and scary time of the year. Do we move into the light as winter solstice has encouraged us to do or so we remain stuck and inflexible. It’s a time for forgiveness for amends and for action.

I started the year dancing. Free form, booty shaking, breakdance dance-off, clear the dance floor worming dancing. I show up to parties most often hesitant and anxious. I still mourn the loss of my life long friend alcohol in party moments. I’m still a toddler in social situations. But as I said good-bye to 2012 and awaited all things 2013 it looked like this.

The coffee tables get moved and couches are pushed back. I begin to embrace the internal stirrings of movement and music and baselines. I awkwardly start to shimmy. “Do I look stupid? Fat? Is it obviously that I feel uncomfortable?” I notice that others look silly dancing too, and their freedom makes me let go even more. Soon enough I am dancing like an 9-year-old spinning, gyrating, blue-steel face making. And I am surrounded by people who are comfortable, free, supportive of my dancing freak flag flying. The thought of a drink doesn’t cross my mind for hours. It’s all action, all movement, being propelled into greatness, all things 2013.

I almost didn’t go. I almost stayed home to continue building my monstrous Ikea bed that I am convinced will catapult me into being a real live adult as opposed to the poser who still lays their mattress directly on the floor and has to kick it back in place every morning, just like the drunk addict hippy loser I used to be. I started building it at 5:00pm claiming I could build the bitch in 2.5 hours, full well knowing it would be more like 5 and partially knowing that it could be my excuse to not make it to the party. I borrowed tools from my friends Stephen and Kathryn in the beginning. They asked if I was coming to the party. I said yes, unless the bed building got in the way. Did I tell them as a way to get out of the party? In hopes they would beg me to come? I don’t know. They know I can’t drink and I’ve shared how much party going can be a struggle for me. I then got this text 20 minutes later from Stephen, delicately and thoughtfully crafted with guidance from Kathryn:

“I forgot to tell you: we’re all so happy that you’re coming to the party tonight. You’ll make it a better and more complete celebration, and a more appropriate way to start 2013, which I predict will be an especially rad year. (So don’t try to get out of it.) “

So I feel loved. And surrounded by greatness in friends. And I have faith for a great partner to come and even greater adventures. And I will remember that dancing is a direct lifeline to greatness in action and freedom from self. 2013 will be a year of all kinds of dancing.


January 2, 2013. Uncategorized. Leave a comment.

loving relationship with food

For the first day in weeks I woke up without the need of a alarm clock before 10am. Granted I was cat attacked by Izzy which comes in the form of lots of kisses and walking on me, but usually I can roll right back to sleep. It often worries me that I don’t have a regular sleep schedule and it is in the not too far distance that I used to suffer from excruciating insomnia. Its only been when I’ve visited Tulum Mexico over the past three years that I go to sleep by 11 and rise with the sun to walk the beach. Today I realized that I woke up because of my diet, the foods that I have chosen to eat the past 5 days, that has started to restore some homeostasis to my system. So simple, yet so wild to me that its that easy. But for me its not easy, its a daily challenge.

Since I can recall I have always struggled to have what I would consider a loving relationship with food. The memories are all wrapped in some sense of pain, guilt, shame, self loathing, anger. No matter what I intellectually understand I have always felt helpless to eat what makes me feel well versus “good”. The “good” feeling is always fleeting and then washed away with horrible feelings. Feeling well is different. When I feel well it allows me to escape from the prison of food. When I eat for life I feel in rhythm with the universe and ready to interact. When I eat what I think makes me feel “good” I can’t stop and my body feels bad. I am not the norm. I have diseased thinking when it comes to food and that is ok. It simply means that I need to treat the disease in order to get better and I feel blessed to have a spiritual solution and path that I am beginning to embark upon again. I feel a sense of hope and for just today I feel well in my body. And because of that I was able to wake up this morning not feeling achy, bloated or sad. AMAZING. This is just for today.

Other then the 12 step material of Overeaters Anonymous, I highly recommend this book The Slow Down Diet by David Marc. While I am not a fan of the word diet in the way that we understand it or the words weight loss in the title, I find that it is a true book about loving relationships and food, and not about the weight loss. Its quite beautiful.

December 19, 2012. Tags: , , . Uncategorized. Leave a comment.


It’s been a while. My family has grown. My roost at home now includes two cats. Jackson the newest addition to the family, who is a little special and slow on the uptake and this makes him a super bright angel kitty of 18 lbs. We love him, or at least i do, Izzy not so much. She more so tolerates him and I choose to believe actually likes knowing he is around when I am gone all day or on trips.

My family of acupuncture patients also has grown. It ebbs and flows and the further down this path I travel the more I see people coming to simply visit and then be on their way. And others have stayed, for now. And as I step back to observe I can see that as a whole it grows, mostly because I trust that I don’t need to tightly hold onto people but simply be present if they want to stay. Its not about me, and whether I am liked. Its about holding a space for people to join me if so inclined and work on our collective spiritual progression through acupuncture. For some its simply to alleviate a symptom and I feel blessed to be of service and for others its a place to expand in healing all levels of being.

I have spoken with a few psychics/tarot readers over the years. I struggle to trust that they see things. They all tell me that I am supposed to “write write write”. That I am going to publish a book and teach. So I am going to recommit to writing here. To sharing, to hopefully being heard. I love revisiting my days and thoughts here. I have a blessed life and to put pen to paper reminds me to be mindful of my blessings. So heres to another posting tomorrow.




December 15, 2012. Uncategorized. Leave a comment.

It’s Never Too Late For Giving Thanks

It may be almost a week since Thanksgiving day, but over the last few years I have been writing gratitude lists on a fairly regular basis as part of my spiritual practice. It keeps me out of Ego and shifts me into a place of service. It’s a tool that shifts perspective and its a way to give thanks to the universe. So today I am grateful for:

Acupuncture and the unwavering passion I have for it as a giver receiver and student

Coffee even though it makes me freak out sometimes

Izzy, my sweet complusive kitty who reminds me that love conquers all

Spirituality and that it has no definition for me, it simply is

Forgiveness in all its forms

Abundance in all its forms

Patients who share their well-being journeys with me


November 30, 2011. Uncategorized. Leave a comment.

“Rising Star”?, …..ok :)


November 30, 2011. Uncategorized. Leave a comment.

Pimped Out Yurting

I’ll be here this weekend. Pimped out yurting in the catskills. Maybe blogging, maybe not 😉

October 21, 2011. Uncategorized. Leave a comment.