You’re Totally Awesome

I am surprised at how often patients blame themselves for their reported sufferings, challenges and failures. We are taught as acupuncturists to ask what one’s “complaints” are, setting up the patients expectation that what they are sharing are things wrong with them. There is so much negative connotations involved. Perhaps if we can shift the thinking just slightly, or perhaps turn it upside down on its head or look into a whole new dimension, we can begin to see that we show up each and everyday perfect, exactly as we are supposed to be. Opportunities are presented when we feel physical shifts, emotional shifts, and when things don’t happen as expected.

Patients ‘confess’ to me that they know they should be doing this or need to stop doing that, but I am quick to question those notions of guilt and shame. Perhaps they should be doing exactly what they are doing or not doing for that matter. Acceptance is a practice long forgotten in our culture. We are always striving and comparing, when we are always perfectly enough on any given day.

Let’s start loving ourselves again, asking for help, questioning the status quo on “healthy”, and forgiving ourselves for non-existent faults. You are already whole and healthy and radiant.

This is not to say don’t be good to yourself. We can and should still take actions to transform and grow and love ourselves by caring for ourselves, but if we attach guilt and shame and self-hatred to those actions and choices we are not giving ourself a chance to love ourself fully. Let go of that stuff and take it easy!

lots of love,


October 18, 2011. love. Leave a comment.